Influencer Marketing Services
influencer marketing.
Influencer Strategies
The word “influencer” is a neologism amassing a great deal of interest behind the scenes in various business conferences. Influencers have dedicated followings, typically in niche markets. They offer information in addition to tips and suggestions to their target markets, which incorporate an array of products and services. The question often arises as to why businesses should even contemplate utilizing influencers.
Short answer: Because they work.
Influencer advertising and marketing includes its reasonable share of obstacles for firms and businesses not familiar with the market. Just how exactly do you locate the appropriate influencer for your brand and overall company identity? In today’s society, the market is filled with people that call themselves influencers. Below is a list of things that you should refresh yourself on to ensure that you are obtaining the most out of BoardroomPR’s most reputable influencer advertising and marketing services.
Influencer Relevance
Selecting the most appropriate influencer for your business or company is just as critical as selecting the most appropriate influencer marketing agency. Prior to connecting with an influencer, make sure to assess their main website as well as their social media platforms to see if they are a good fit. Does their web content seem to fit your brand? Your intention should be to see if there is a logical fit with the products and services they are promoting. If they appear to advertise a variety of unassociated products, then they may not be the most appropriate influencer for your company. When you look over their website, you want the products you see to make sense in regard to the individual who is promoting them. To obtain the most effective influencer advertising and marketing tactics possible, you want to collaborate with influencers that showcase similar values and professional beliefs that you are advertising.
Other Methods of Marketing:
BoardroomPR is the leading public relations firm in Tampa and Florida statewide. They provide great service and can make the phone ring of your best prospective customers. Highly recommend!
Pamela French
We have been a client of BoardroomPR for a few years and they are an outstanding company. Jenn Clarin and Andrea Ugarte are so great to work with. Their level of professionalism and responsiveness is outstanding. They also provide the TLC needed in this type of client relationship.
Matthew Rocco
Influencer Authenticity
Does the influencer seem genuine in addition to appearing qualified and trustworthy? Do they speak about organic meals and dishes in one article or post and then publicly support a sugar-laden soda a week after? If it looks as though they will advertise any kind of business that pays them, then it is highly likely that this individual is not an appropriate fit for your particular brand.
See whether they have any kind of Facebook posts or videos or current Insta-stories. Evaluate them and review their specific captions under images as well as on other social media sites. You want a person that is comfortable behind the camera and that has the ability to speak to a variety of different audiences of diverse demographics. Our team of PR professionals understand how to match our influencer advertising and marketing customers with genuine and unique influencers who can effectively communicate key messages.
Influencer Engagement
The growing number of followers and fans an influencer has is crucial, however it is not the ultimate factor to consider. There is an abundance of areas to purchase fake followers and fans, so do not fixate on the numbers. Do they have a lot of “likes” in addition to “comments” on social media posts and/or articles? Do they engage and further interact with their general audience as well as reply to questions and concerns?
When it comes to influencers, the best thing to do is to search for quality over quantity. Any individual can have a million followers and fans, but do they have a loyal and dedicated following? Does it seem as though individuals can trust them? A little investigative work along with some preliminary research can go a long way.
Word of mouth is one of the earliest types of public relations. Keep in mind, public relations have been around since the beginning of time. Think back to the last time you were searching for a particular product or service. There is a very good possibility that you asked someone you can trust and rely on for an honest and truthful recommendation. Perhaps you visited a website you frequent for a list of reviews. According to Nielson, 92% of individuals rely on suggestions from family and friends over any other form of advertising and marketing. This is a testament to the mutually beneficial relationships we see in the public relations industry.
A multitude of research studies have discovered that individuals rely on suggestions and recommendations from influencers more than they trust the average advertising and marketing agency. It doesn’t always correlate to today’s wise and savvy consumer. Based on societal standards, individuals resort directly to social media platforms to get the scoop on what they’re trying to find. That’s where influencers come in and what their main purpose is in the media world.
We create meaningful interactions
Social media has to do with engagement– smart, creative, unique engagement. Content that brings in and transforms visitors into followers, friends, and connections. Whether with online videos or exciting articles and updates that are imaginative and engaging, social media sites allow your audience to see and hear your message in new and unique ways.
Many marketers overlook the significance of storytelling. We create content that tells stories to generate engagement and build an emotional connection between you and your audience. Ultimately, their experience with your company starts prior to meeting you, so why not make it one they’ll remember?